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Fuzzy Search

A fuzzy search is a search using fuzzy logic. It is a complex type of search that will look at the words entered, analyse them, and return the most likely results, even if the search terms were misspelt or incomplete.

Usually a fuzzy search is a mix of heuristics and neural networks, a type of AI.

See Also: AI, Heuristic, Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Fuzzy Search



Resources in our database matching the Term Fuzzy Search:

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Search Methods
This lengthy article takes a brief look at virtually every method of pathfinding search. An excellent introduction, and tool for deciding which method would be best for your specific needs.

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Brain Search
The brain is of profound importance. It is the place that houses our sense of self, our mind. It contains all of who and what we are. As technologies advance, Brain-Machine interfaces will become more and more sophisticated, and our understanding of the brain's functions will become ever-greater. This resource is a search engine specifically geared to finding all resources on the site that deal with developments / prosthetics for different brain regions.

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Combining Natural and Artificial Neural Nets for Better Search
Google, that pioneer of all manner of artificial intelligences designed for search, has posed the question as to whether or not artificial intelligences are capable of being taught to automatically label every song on the Internet. By melding the power of the internet, human minds and an online AI, the answer appears to be "yes, indeed".

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Search engine for mythological resources across the web.

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Seeing Through Walls: Heat Vision AR Leaves the Movies
In many modern sci-fi films, a fugitivve is on the run, and the authorities track them by means of an AR camera that can penetrate the walls of the building they are in, and search them out by their shape, movement, or the heat they give off. Well, the first real version of that system has been created.

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Star Trek: The Original Series, & VR ~ What Are Little Girls Made Of?
When the Enterprise goes in search of Dr Roger Korby's long-vanished archaeological expedition, they did not expect to encounter androids so like people. Yet, why are they like people, and not people themselves? Mind uploading and substrate chauvinism, in some of their earliest forms.

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Haptics Reaches the Emotions
The search to prove haptics for robotics is vital to human interaction, may have profound implications for human interaction online as well.

The Matrix is one of the most prominent mainstream adaptations of VR. Not necessarily the best, not by a long shot, it is still the one most mainstream individuals bring to mind when VR is mentioned. In this list, we strive to index all Matrix-related resources held upon this site, in order to aid your search for like material.

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Connecting to Telnet Worlds: Using Microsoft Telnet
Telnet -text based virtual worlds, or MUDs, MOOs and MUSHes as they are collectively known, require a TCP capable text client to interface with. Many different clients at a range of different prices with different addon features are available. However, each takes time to aquire, even if that is just the time to search in google and download.


Industry News containing the Term Fuzzy Search:

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Google on Tuesday modified its globally popular Internet search service to understand relationships between words, as the company bids to better grasp what Web users are looking for.

Along with taking into account intended me...

For all the computing power and new algorithms required to deliver relevant real-time search results, a capability announced at a media event on Monday, Google's most significant achievement may be thinking outside the box, specifically th...

Google Inc showed off enhancements to its voice-based search technology for Apple Inc's iPhone and said it was testing a new service that will combine its Web-based email with its search engine.

The new version of Google's ...

Search engine technology is in a state of flux as it digs ever deeper for new meaning. Europe is poised to reap the benefits of the new age of semantic search thanks to the work of European researchers.

?Search? is the gatewa...

Google has said it sees voice search as a major opportunity for the company in building a presence on the mobile web.

The company's vice president of engineering made the comments during a wide-ranging discussion at